Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Spooky Silhouette Artwork

We have been learning about silhouettes. We have found out that they are made from a light shining behind an object. A silhouette is when the object is all black and you can't see any details just an outline. 

Here is our spooky full moon silhouette art....


Miss Copland said...

Wow Room 3! I think your silhouette spooky art looks fantastic. What an awesome job you have all done.

Unknown said...

I LOVE your silhouette artworks room 3! Such a variety. Very creative bunch : )

Trudee Sharp said...

Really beautiful pieces of art, guys. Well done!

Unknown said...

Well done Room 3. You all are so talented! Keep up the great work :) Proud of you buddy.

Anonymous said...

How very clever Room 3! Room 4 are super impressed.