Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Playground Descriptive Writing

Last week we went out to the school playground as a language experience before we had to write to describe the playground. It was a wet, freezing cold morning so the children came up with lots of great ideas to write about. 

Have a look at the videos so you can see for yourself just how cold it was!

Please take the time to read our descriptions of the playground and leave us a comment telling us what you think of them. 

We tried our very best to use lots of adjectives (describing words), similes and other exciting vocabulary to describe our playground experience so that our readers get a picture in their minds.

Can you think of any other good adjectives or similes to describe the playground on this rainy day? Tell us in the comments!

I hear the clouds ready to rain. The soggy clouds are like a cotton ball. I see the wet coloured bars. I feel like slushy snow.

As I look up in the sky I can see flashy clouds getting angrier as I look up. I see my friends getting colder. I get colder too. I can hear the blazing wind in all directions. The old trees are moving in the wind.

As I look around the playground I see my classmates shivering with coldness. I hear teeth chattering loudly. I can feel the wet, rough, brown and thick tree’s leaves hitting me like a hyena biting me. I hope a tree does not fall down.

As I look around the playground I can see the kids shivering as cold as a whole bunch of ice. I can hear swishing, whistling wind flying across the sky and through the trees like a butterfly as beautiful as me. The brown crunchy leaves are like chips twisting and turning and some are falling down. I can feel the grass hitting me like a thousand bees hitting me on the feet. I am hoping it warms up soon.

As I look around the playground I can see the sky looking like angry people. I can see the bars looking like a jail. I can hear teeth chattering and I can hear the bars going ting, ting, ting, ting. I feel long, very long, grass hitting my legs like a thousand bees stinging me. I can see the power lines swinging very slowly. It looked horrible. There was a sign saying “Beware! There is danger.” I love playing on the playground.   

At the playground I see red and brown and yellow leaves twisting and fluttering to the ground. Wind is whistling through the trees. I feel as cold as Antarctica. I hope the wind will stop soon. 

As I look up at the horrible sky I see my classmates shivering like ice cubes. I feel as cold as Pluto. I am so cold I nearly died. I hear everyone screaming. I hope I warm up soon.

As I look around at the playground I see Johnny photo bombing and he looks funny. I can hear the slide rattling. I am hoping a tornado doesn’t come through.

As I look around the playground I can see colourful things to play on. I hear whistling wind coming closer to us. I feel colder than Antarctica. As I look up at the sky I see the screaming wet rain falling from two metres high.

As I look around at the playground I see some leaves falling off the trees. I can see my class shivering like fizzing ice cubes. I can hear some bars rattling. I can see the grass scratching like a thousand bees. I can see the trees making so much sizzling wind. I am hoping that a tornado doesn’t hit me.

As I look around the playground I see a person shivering like a snowman. I can hear a tree falling down. I can feel the wet, slippery bridge. I wonder if my Mum is doing the washing today.

As I look around the playground I can see the trees swaying. I can hear the wind like a waterfall whooshing through the trees. It is freezing. I feel happy. I am wanting to go back into the classroom now. 

As I look around at the playground I could see the yellow bars are wet and I can see the clouds are grey. I can see the clouds raining and it was thunder. The trees are really angry and it is raining strong. I heard a big bad wind blowing me away.

As I look around the playground I can see my classmates shivering as cold as the North Pole. I see thousands of black clouds everywhere. I hear the bars squeaking and the thunder with rain and hail. The thunder is making fire on the crusty, old trees. I hope the rain stops by morning tea time.  

As I look around the playground I suddenly skid on the bridge but I don’t fall over. I can see a blizzard rolling in. The wind is whooshing like a tornado. I’m hoping it doesn’t pick me up in the tornado. 

As I look around the playground I can see that the playground looks like a jail. I hear children groaning “I’m cold! As I look up I can see strong trees like a drink bottle about to fall over. I can hear the rattling chain going ching, chang, ching! The sky is groaning very loud like a bully growling at you! I wonder if we can have a hot chocolate back at the classroom. But no!

As I look around the playground I can see my friends groaning. I feel shivering and my friends are shivering too. I’m putting my hand back into my pocket! It is freezing with water everywhere. The playground is empty. I can hear everyone saying “ahhhhhhhhhh” because there is wind in their faces and everywhere. Then I see a flash of lightning. I wonder if it will stop.

As I look around the playground at my cold classmates I am shivering in every way possible. I think it is so so so cold out here. I can hear rattling chains. The sky is as angry as a bully! I hope we can have hot chocolate when we get inside. But we didn’t!

As I look around the playground I can see people chattering. I can see the slippery bridge and I can see my class is freezing to ice. The tree’s leaves are falling off.  I am freezing when I am on the playground.

As I look around the playground I see my friends shivering. I hear the chains smashing together. I hear my friends screaming “I’m cold!” I’m wondering what the rest of the school are doing. I’m wondering if they are too hot.


Betty Pearson said...

Hi. I have liked reading all the different descriptions of cold. At the moment I am in North Queensland travelling in a campervan and it is very hot - 40 degrees one day. It will probably not rain here till November so your writing made me feel cooler and I know that you have a warm room to run into afterwards Betty Pearson

Unknown said...

Wow kids you are all using great description words. well done. You looked very cold in the videos though. The trip to the RSA looked very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Cool room 3 Love it.Bella